21st Century Boys (1 – CONTINUE)

Judul: 21st Century Boys
Seri: 1 Bersambung
Tahun: 2009 (Japan Release 2006)
Pengarang: Naoki Urusawa
Penerbit: Level Comics
Kategori: Action, Mystery

War is over. Friend is dead. People are finally released from the danger of extinction. Finally peace has come to Tokyo- it seems. But the mystery still remains. Nobody knows who Friend was and where he came from. The only clue is hidden inside the memories, -The memories of the hero, Kenji. This is the time to open the Pandora`s Box. You can see what is left on the bottom of the box.

Sequel of 20th Century Boys, Urosawa Naoki’s masterpiece, winner of Kodansha Award, Japan Media Festival, and Shogakukan Award.
(credit: elexmedia)

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